Brave New World | Iron Maiden |

Brave New World

Testo Brave New World

Dying Swans twisted wings
Beauty not needed here
Lost my love, lost my life
In this garden of fear
I have seen many things
In a lifetime alone
Mother love is no more
Bring this savage back home

Wilderness house of pain
Makes no sense of it all
Close this mind dull this brain
Messiah before his fall
What you see is not real
Those who know will not tell
All is lost sold your soul
In this brave new world

A brave new world
In a brave new world
A brave new world
In a brave new world

Dragon Kings Dying Queens
Where is salvation now
Lost my life lost my dreams
Rip the bones from my flesh
Silent screams laughing here
Dying to tell you the truth
You are planned you are damned
In this Brave new world

A brave new world
In a brave new world
A brave new world
In a brave new world

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